2014년 2월 23일 일요일

//week in photos: postcard from New York #1.//

 //mid-red eye.//

//home away from home:Mondrian Soho//

//dreamy botanical: Mondrian Soho//

//snow day brunch:Eataly Caffe//

 //snow storm:Commodore Criterion//

//baguette? bag it.:Eataly//

 //anonymous but amazing pasta:Eataly//

 //you don't even know: Eataly//


//marilyn+warhol: MOMA//

//what would Jeff Koons do?: MOMA//

 //you don't know what a good waffle can cure:Caffe Bene@ Timesquare//

//dark and brooding: MOMA// 

//there will never be silence:MOMA// 





2013년 4월 6일 토요일

destination X : hidden gems near San Francisco {Half Moon Bay}

So, I just returned from my SSA (sassy saturday adventure) for this week.
I usually like to splurge my time almost every saturday to explore my surroundings.
This week's destination: {HALF MOON BAY}

this week, my best friend emma tagged along because she was feelin a beach trip. 

If you live near San Francisco and never been to Half Moon Bay, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING WITH YOU LIFE?  *chuckles* just kidding.

but seriously.

It's one of the most amazing, cute, cozy, old little towns that I've ever been to.
The whole town is surrounded by beaches and piers. And that of course means that there are some delicious sea creatures that inhabit this town.

My personal favorite would be {Barbara's Fish Trap}.
It's one of the most popular tourist destinations in Half Moon Bay and it's almost always crowded. The interior is so dainty and appropriately decorated with sea related items.

The fish and chips& the clam chowder is scrumptious. try it.

Right next to Barbara's fish trap is the {Johnson Pier}.
All of the boats are lined up in this tiny pier, and some of them even sell some fresh crabs on their boat.
On a beautiful sunny day, the turquoise waters shimmers like no other.

The pier on a terrible day like today:(

For the best part of Half Moon Bay: The Beach

There are so many different beaches in this tiny town.
Today we went to the Venice State Beach @ half moon bay.
There was no one there because it was a miserable day, but we stuck around because yolo.

*there's a beach right next to the Johnson Pier where a lot of people seem to surf at. I haven't tried surfing there but it seems like a good place for beginners.

After all of this, if you're feel like having some fancy dessert, I recommend the Ritz-Carlton @ Half Moon Bay. It's only about ten minutes away from all of these locations and they have some divine desserts and drinks.
It is a bit of splurge, but after a long day it's a good way to end your trip + they have an amazing view of the ocean.

Also, if you went to stay in this beautiful town for a day or so, this would be a nice place to stay.

It was an amazing day, and I wanted to bring back a little bit of that amazing-ness to you.

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

Always with Love,


2013년 3월 29일 금요일

Auditory Obsession: Podcasts

I wasn't aware of the wonderful invention of podcasts until quite recently. I usually listen to music while i'm doing random things or just sitting in the car,etc. But i recently started listening to some pretty interesting podcasts. I am obsessed. 

I think I like it because the crisp quality of podcasts makes you feel like you're included in a actual conversation with these amazing people. I've never appreciated technology so much. for serials. 

I also listen to them while I fall asleep and it's been weirdly soothing. You should try it out. 

Here are some of my favorites:

Joy the Baker podcast with Shutterbean 

coincidentally, I am also obsessed with Joy's blog: joythebaker.com
but I'll probably do a whole other post about my favorite blogs later. i digress. 
anyway, Joy is this amazing person who lives in LA and basically has a 45 minute conversation with her friend Tracy,who is in San Francisco. I think I like her podcasts a lot because it feels like you are having girl talk with them and the topics are usually interesting or comical. they are so refreshingly witty and honest.You wouldn't regret stumbling across some of their podcasts if you were anything like me. 

Here's the thing with Alec Baldwin

I've always loved Alec Baldwin. especially his voice. I spent a good two weeks mourning the end 30 rock and seeing him on that magical show.But as they say, god opens up a new window whenever he closes one. Here's the thing is that magical window.
His raspy voice really comes to life in his podcasts when he interview a new and interesting person every week. Recently he interviewed Lena Dunham and Brian Williams and I thought it was absolutely brilliant.(I'm obsessed with HBO Girls.) I listen to all of his podcasts even when I don't give a shit about the person he is interviewing, because i simply love Alec Baldwin and his voice and his podcasts. 

Those are my two current favorites although there are a few others that I have started listening to. I'll keep you guys posted on new auditory obsessions:)

Always with love,


Orange you obsessed? {MAC Redd Lip Liner & So Chaud Lipstick}

You probably didn't know that I was an extreme makeup hoarder, but I guess I'm letting all of my secrets out.
So as you may know, I went to the city for my birthday and did some damage to my wallet. One of my new purchases include a lip combo that I have been obsessed with. 
I definitely prefer the simple lip balm look everyday, but these two products together just scream fun for special occasions and what not. 

without further ado, i present:

MAC Redd Lip Liner & MAC So Chaud Lipstick

When I had went to the MAC store, I had originally had lady danger in mind but they were sold out:( But since I was already on a crazy witch hunt for the perfect orange red lipstick I decided to try so chaud which is a bit more orange than lady danger. then the lady basically reeled me into buying the lip liner and I was all 'it's my birthday I can buy if I want to.' So I ended up with these babies in my hands. or rather my lips. 

 MAC Redd lip liner is a orangish-red color as the name suggests and its a creamy texture.It's my first mac lip liner and I was very impressed with the quality and consistency of it. It makes my lipstick stay on waaaaaay longer and it makes it look less messy.
 swatch of MAC's Redd Lip Liner
MAC So Chaud: The perfect orange red lipstick. 
it's a matte finish because I'm not a big fan of stickiness or glossy lipsticks, plus matte lipsticks last longer!
It's creamy but sometimes can be a bit drying. 
I do recommend it if you have a medium complexion or if you just want a nice, matte orange red lipstick. 
 swatch of MAC's So Chaud Lipstick

 With Redd& So chaud on my lips.Sorry for the weird facial expression but the color is pretty accurate:)

p.s. orange red lipsticks look amazing on all complexions but especially with blue eyes.

 some inspiration for those who are a bit iffy about trying out orange lipsticks:

Always With Love,


Sweet Sixteenth anyone?

So, yesterday was my sixteenth birthday. 
and although it is one of the most anticipated birthdays in a teenage girl's life, 
I really didn't do anything special. It was another day and I didn't feel the so called giddy-ness most people are supposed to feel on their 'sweet sixteenth'.
I don't feel different like when I turned ten and I felt like my life had just entered a whole new chapter. But maybe the special thing about turning sixteen is not celebrating yourself but appreciating your friends and surroundings that got you here. (Feel free to throw up if this is a bit too cheesy for you.)

Well anyway, I did celebrate it the day before my birthday because people had busy lives and they couldn't blah blah blah...... I absolutely hate celebrating 'special occasions' earlier or later because you're just pretending it's happening when it's not but I made a special exception just for the convenience of my acquaintances.(i know. i'm angelic) Well despite the fact that I was bothered by the date confusion,it was actually pretty swell. 

I went out to the magnificent city of san francisco for the day with four of my seven girlies and had some fun. 
We snapped some pictures because we're obsessed with ourselves and we needed a record of me being old. 
    If you're ever looking for a place to buy some delicious baked goods in SF, check out miette @ the ferry building market at pier 1. I've gotten my all of my birthday cakes here for a consecutive 4 years.

 One of my favorite places to watch the view and take pictures:pier 7
 we went to crown%crumpet for lunch. It's a cute tea room in Japan town and the Paris tea with the afternoon tea set is absolutely amazing. Every little piece of decor in this place is adorable. 

 That would be me showing off my new purchase from zara:new printed pants.
 some hardcore posing going on here. just to show off my gift: the bracelet from valentino. obsessed. plus the flowers were pretty too
 casually staring at nothing with my balloons courtesy of my best pal emma.
 let's just address the fact that this handmade card is amazing. My uber artistically talented friend made this card herself.

With Love,
