2013년 3월 29일 금요일

Auditory Obsession: Podcasts

I wasn't aware of the wonderful invention of podcasts until quite recently. I usually listen to music while i'm doing random things or just sitting in the car,etc. But i recently started listening to some pretty interesting podcasts. I am obsessed. 

I think I like it because the crisp quality of podcasts makes you feel like you're included in a actual conversation with these amazing people. I've never appreciated technology so much. for serials. 

I also listen to them while I fall asleep and it's been weirdly soothing. You should try it out. 

Here are some of my favorites:

Joy the Baker podcast with Shutterbean 

coincidentally, I am also obsessed with Joy's blog: joythebaker.com
but I'll probably do a whole other post about my favorite blogs later. i digress. 
anyway, Joy is this amazing person who lives in LA and basically has a 45 minute conversation with her friend Tracy,who is in San Francisco. I think I like her podcasts a lot because it feels like you are having girl talk with them and the topics are usually interesting or comical. they are so refreshingly witty and honest.You wouldn't regret stumbling across some of their podcasts if you were anything like me. 

Here's the thing with Alec Baldwin

I've always loved Alec Baldwin. especially his voice. I spent a good two weeks mourning the end 30 rock and seeing him on that magical show.But as they say, god opens up a new window whenever he closes one. Here's the thing is that magical window.
His raspy voice really comes to life in his podcasts when he interview a new and interesting person every week. Recently he interviewed Lena Dunham and Brian Williams and I thought it was absolutely brilliant.(I'm obsessed with HBO Girls.) I listen to all of his podcasts even when I don't give a shit about the person he is interviewing, because i simply love Alec Baldwin and his voice and his podcasts. 

Those are my two current favorites although there are a few others that I have started listening to. I'll keep you guys posted on new auditory obsessions:)

Always with love,


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